New automation solution – Collaborative Robots aka CoBots

Image of Aubo-i5 Collaborative RobotAcrovision has evolved its product offering of automation solutions, from industrial barcode readers (both handheld and fixed, laser and imager), mobile computers and printers, to also include Collaborative Robots.

Our range of Collaborative Robots are easy to select, extremely simple to configure and communicate with and quick to install and commission. In addition, because of their “collaborative” attributes they are able to work with and around humans without the need for expensive and obtrusive safety guarding.

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Acrovision can now supply a full range of Laser Markers Image of New Products - Laser Marker ULYXE Family

Acrovision can now also supply a full range of Laser Markers for every application and material.

Our range of Laser Markers includes fiber laser markers, solid state laser markers, high peak power laser marketers for thermoplastic materials and resin plus general purpose CO2 laser markers for paper, cartons and organic materials.

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