Side-by-Side Detection
Identify and resolve issues when packages are not gapped properly
One of the challenges logistics teams deal with every day is managing side-by-side detection situations. This condition can happen at different points of the logistics process, but mainly happens in the sorting process. Two packages (or items) are literally side by side (or stacked on top of each other) on the conveyor or sorter trays and traditional detection systems see them as one. This can result in skewed inventory counts, “lost” items, and double shipments, which affect process efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
The Cognex 3D-A1000 dimensioning system, which features a 3D and 2D camera system, reduces lost inventory and mis-shipment issues associated with side-by-side and double count situations that can happen at various points during the logistics process. The 3D-A1000 system captures dimensional data, forms a 3D point cloud image, and identifies side-by-side situations. It flags the items in question, and sends the information to the control system, which can then re-route the problem items for correction.
The 3D-A1000 also correctly identifies items in modern packaging, such as split-top cases and multi-packs that traditional detection systems incorrectly flag as a side-by-side. Conducting automated secondary inspections of sorting processes helps improve order accuracy, reduces “lost” product, and the costs associated with incorrect shipments.